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At Crain we carry a wide variety of Trane HVAC equipment and accessories. 


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Air Conditioner

A Trane Air Conditioner will reliably and quietly keep you cool and comfortable when the weather gets hot. More specifically, it offers energy-efficient cooling superior to any of its competitor, and multiple cooling speeds to help keep costs down.

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A Trane Furnace will keep you warm and cozy while the temperatures drop. Trane furnaces work with both air conditioners and heat pumps, and will include energy-efficient options that lower gas costs.

Heat Pump

A Trane Heat Pump can both heat and cool your home to offer a level of versatility that will reliably keep your home comfortable. Its high energy-efficient ratings will keep energy costs low and reduce your carbon footprint, while maximizing your comfortability.

Air Handler

A Trane Air handler can be paired with an Air Conditioner or Heat Pump to circulate warm or cool air all throughout your home. These Air Handlers make minimal noise, can fit attics, basements, and crawlspaces, and are insulated to help prevent energy loss.


Multi Zone Ductless System

The Trane Multi Zone Ductless System is a quiet, effective, and quickly installed unit. It will give you control over the comfort of one room, so each space in your home with a ductless system can be tailored to your preferences. Plus, you’ll have total control of fan speed, air direction, and more, along with temperature. With ductless systems, you don’t have to worry about energy loss associated with worn down or poorly maintained ducts. That, combined with increased HSPF and SEER ratings on Trane systems, could help you save money on your monthly energy bills.

Package System

Packaged systems provide total home comfort in one small, compact cabinet. They’re flexible systems that give homeowners the ability to accommodate rooftop or ground installation. Comprised of durable materials designed to withstand even the harshest conditions, this system is protected by the Spine Fin™ coil and Weather Beater™ top to provide exceptionally long lasting support.


Kohler Generator

At Crain, we also install the Kohler line of generators. Kohler generators will provide you with a level of reliability and convenience unparalleled by any other brand. Every Kohler Generator runs on a heavy duty engine that is built to exceed the demands of standby power, providing adamantine reliability. Running on your home's natural gas or LP, these generators will also never need to be refueled. Utilizing their proprietary Powerboost® Technology, Kohler Generators will power your entire home in less than 10 seconds. Finally, to the benefit of your convenient use of this generator, each one comes with the capability to be monitored right from your smartphone with their OnCue® Plus app.


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Trane Clean Effects

The Trane Clean Effects air filter removes an astonishing 99.98% of dust, dirt and allergenic particles from the air circulated with your home. This effectiveness will not only have a positive effect on your health, but it will also improve the longevity of your system by preventing dirt buildup within it. You'll also never worry about buying and changing in new filters, because you'll only ever need occasionally clean it with a brush or vacuum. 


Trane Media Air Cleaner

A Trane Media Air Handler will come ahead of your standard 1" disposable filter by being up to 15 times more effective. With an easy to replace 5" media filter, it will filter 100% of the air passing through it.

Reme Halo

A Reme Halo will produce a low level airborne hydrogen peroxide that is distributed through the air. This hydrogen peroxie will kill up to 99% of bacteria, molds, and viruses within the home. Additionally, and more specifically, it will reduce sneeze germs by 99%.

Respicaire Ion Plasma Generator

The Respicaire Ion Plasma Generator is a budget friendly device that treats the indoor air, eliminating household odors, mold, allergens, and much smaller microbes. It will also help to prevent the growth and accumulation of biofilm, mildew, and mold on the indoor coil. Improving the air quality of your home and the longevity of your system, this accessory will be a great compliment to your air filter.

Trane Power Humidifier

This budget friendly accessory will restore proper moisture levels to the air in your home to help prevent dry skin, mouth, and eyes. It will also protect your furniture from cracks. Because humidified air also feels warmer, this accessory will also keep your home feeling more comfortable with less furnace run time, ultimately saving you money.

Trane Steam Humidifier

Superior to the Trane Power Humidifier, the Trane Steam Humidifier will prove to be the ultimate solution to providing the correct indoor moisture level at all times, in all climates, with all heating systems. To provide this level of excellence, the Steam Humidifier will actually operate independently of your indoor system, regardless of any disfunction or breakdowns with it.

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